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Disrupting the Real Estate Industry with Mike Kaeding
The only thing The Liquid Lunch Project likes more than an actual "liquid lunch" is an industry disrupter in the small business space. And not only is today's guest doing just that, he's disrupting the dinosaur of...
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Steve Buzogany - The Appreciation Advocate
How do you stay top of mind with your clients? It’s an age-old question and one that every business owner struggles with within a competitive market. If everybody is doing a different version of the same thing, how do...
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Building Wealth with Patrick Grimes, CEO of InvestOnMainStreet.Com
Passive income. Generational wealth. Increased cash flow. Accelerated retirement. Sounds pretty good, right? We all want to achieve each of those things, but for the majority of individuals and small business owners,...
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Real Talk with a Real Entrepreneur: Jacob Stahler
What does it take to succeed in business? Why am I not further along in my career as I want to be? Entrepreneurship is too difficult, I’m ready to throw in the towel.  If any of these questions or thoughts have...
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Setting Prices for Your Small Business with Per Sjofors, The Price Whisperer
Small business owners are faced with a myriad of decisions every day - and one of the most challenging decisions is how to price products and services. Is this price too low? Is this price too high? How do we know...
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Self-Publishing Your Book with Malene Bendtsen
Do you have an idea for a book that’s just itching to get put onto paper, but the whole process has you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start? Then this is the podcast episode you’ve been waiting for.  ...
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John Rossman, Author of The Amazon Way
To say that Amazon has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success would be the understatement of the century. But it was no happy accident or cosmic fluke that took Jeff Bezos from boxing books in his garage to running a...
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Small Business Solutions with Jonathan Zacks
A good entrepreneur is like a serial murderer; they just can’t stop. And our guest today is proving that point.  Meet Jonathan Zacks, Founder of Make It All Work and Co-Founder of GoReminders. He’s on the show to...
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The New Art of Ideas with Robin Landa
Are some people born naturally creative, while the rest of us are just SOL? Today’s podcast guest would argue that’s not entirely true. Meet Robin Landa, a Distinguished Professor at Kean University, named one of the...
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The Future is Titanium: A conversation with Taso Arima
Remember during the pandemic when we started running out of toilet paper? Rolls were flying off the shelves, and stores placed limits on the amount you could buy per family. It was pandemonium, and Americans quickly...
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A Branding Deep Dive with Max Gerson
Branding is hard work. And it’s more than just creating a shiny new logo or building a new website and expecting immediate results. It’s about narrative and storytelling and, above all else, staying curious.  On the...
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Giving the Global Financial System a Makeover with Noah Healy
“The capital market system is a perfect system…it’s very difficult to disrupt it because it’s on a tightrope of mathematical balance. Every once in a while, someone comes along with a jockstrap the size of a barrel...
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